Can a 23 year old go to jail for having sex with a 16 year old?
I was just wondering because my cousin has a 16 year old girlfriend but her parents don't like him and they are trying to get him in trouble for going out with her.
Ive had sex with my 16 year old girlfriend and i am 17. Well i get sent to jail if her parents send me to cour?
A social worker has threatene my gf to send me to jail. She told my gf to stay away from or else shell send me to jail for having sex with her. I am 17 and shes 16. She also maybe be pregnut. Does this affect me at all....Can i get in srious trouble. Does this social worker have the righ to threten my gf like she did
Best answer:
Answer by AmericanPrincess You're not 18 yet so no. You can't be sent to jail.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Three Fingers, balancing Society, Environment, Economy. Sustainability Salute - Peace Plus One - 21st Century Symbol of Peace, Harmony & Sustainability
Image by \\!/_PeacePlusOne
People like YOU... all over the world, are adding ONE finger to PEACE in every photograph they take.. sending a message of Peace Plus One to Copenhagen for COP15. We want a world where Society, Environment and Economy are in BALANCE, and individuals, businesses and governments cooperate to build a harmonious, sustainable world.
This in the "Peace Sign" for the 21st Century - the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol includes the balance between Society, Environment and Economy in the meaning of the symbol - photo taken in Vancouver, B.C. DragonTHINK
This photo is the second step of the Sustainability TEST - when you show 3 fingers and ask - "What's this symbol mean to you?" - the usual response is three, three fingers, "W" or simply - "I don't Know". .... next you explain the meaning behind the three fingers, Society, Environment, Economy - and ask the person to pass along the exact same TEST -... Photo taken in a Vancouver B.C. Coffee shop by the owner of the hand - Philip McMaster cc2007 ... - the 3 finger "PEACE + 1" Sustainability Symbol!
Sex World
Image by Franco Rabazzo
Camera: Canon AE-1 Film: Kodachrome 64 expired May 1980 (!) Minor color adjustments in LR to match the looks of the slides.
When I heard on the Film Photography Podcast (FPP) in the beginning of November 2010 that Dwanes Photo Studio in Kansas - the last lab to develop Kodachrome film - would stop developing this film after Dec. 31, 2010, I decided that I will have to shoot this film for the first (and then last) time.
I went on the bay to buy two rolls of Kodachrome 64 expired in 1980. Since I was not sure, what will be the result of a film that had been expired over 30 years ago, I asked Mike from FPP to send me a roll of newer Kodachrome as he had offered to do so on his podcast. He generously did send me not only one, but two rolls - at his cost!
In the following weeks I shot the two rolls from Mike and one roll of the expired film. This was not easy. The weather was all grey and the low speed of the film (64 and 25 ISO) gave me additional trouble. So it took a while...
I knew it was late, when I went to the post office on Dec 27. The film would have to be in Kansas on Dec 31. I was shocked that at no price the German mail could guarantee that the film would reach Kansas until this deadline. So I decided to send the film with regular mail (no express whatsoever), since there would have been nothing to with it anyway.
I almost forgot about the film, when I received an invoice from Dwanes on about January 20, 2011. I was thrilled! My film must have been one of the last ones that still got developed!
When I received the slides I was absolutly stunned by the expired film. Such a classy, desaturated look! This was more that I ever hoped for. Too bad I only shot one out of two rolls of expired film. And of course it is sad that there is no chance to do this ever again. I will try out other expired slide film, but I'm afraid that the outcome will not be as amazing.
Bottom line: took a risk and was rewarded - a great feeling!
Almost every time after having sex with my boyfriend, I'm sore in the lower stomach...abdomen I guess. I just got over a cold too, so whenever I cough, I get a sharp pain there. I get the same sharp pain whenever I urinate also. I figured that it was just because I needed to get used to his....size.. but it's been a while, I should be used to it by now.
Best answer:
Answer by Kat i had the same problem. but my doctor said its different for everyone. my problem solving thing was water. drink lotsa water... bathe in hot water and wash ur vagina with soap goodly.
What makes a guy appreciate a woman more, her witholding sex or increasing sex?
Really straightforward question. Would a guy be inclined to start appreciating his woman if she put of sex for a while, or if she started having more sex with him.
Best answer:
Answer by t-crisis it depends on if they are married or not
Love, Life, like, would, Nice, photos, Woman, Single, know
Question by yoursweetbuddy: I would like to know how can a single woman have a sex life?
I am wanting to know how a single woman can have a sex life? what can you do for it when you get horny from talking to a guy that you cant see? what all can you do when you feel like having sex but cant cuz you have no guy to do it with?
Best answer:
Answer by Sheena You don't need to be in a relationship to have sex. You go out and find someone to have sex with, or you don't have sex. This isn't rocket science.